The Role of Life Insurance in Estate Planning
Life insurance is an underrated tool in estate planning.

How Changes in Estate Tax Laws May Affect Your Plan
Here is how changes to estate tax laws may affect your trust / estate plan.

How Does a Pour-Over Will Work?
Pour over wills are often used in conjunction with living trusts. Today we discuss common questions about them.

Estate Planning for Single Individuals: What You Need to Know
What you need to know for estate planning as a single person.

The Difference Between LLCs and Corporations in California: Choosing the Right Structure for Your Business
Corporations and LLCs are both corporations, but which one is best for you?

How to Have the Estate Planning Discussion with Your Family
How to have a productive and respectful discussion about estate planning with your family.

How to Handle Debts and Creditors in Estate Planning
Some tips for dealing with debts and creditors in estate planning.

Incorporating LLC Memberships and Corporate Stock into Your Estate Plan
Why merging your corporation ownership with estate planning is important.

Estate Planning During Divorce: What You Need to Know
Today we explore estate planning during divorce everything you need to know.

Blended Families: Navigating Estate Planning Complexities
In today’s blog we explore the complexities that exist when doing estate planning with a blended family.

How to Estate Plan for your Pets
Have you ever wondered what would happen to your furry friends after your passing? In today’s estate planning blog we explore estate planning for your pets.

How to Prevent your Estate Plan from Being Contested
Last time we discussed reasons why your estate plan could be contested, in todays blog we explore what you can do to prevent or reduce the risk of your estate plan being contested.

What is the Right of Survivorship and How Can it be Used to Avoid Probate?
Today we explore what the right of survivorship is and how it can be used to avoid probate.

How to Discuss Estate Planning with Family or Friends
Have you ever wondered how to discuss estate planning with your loved ones but didn’t know when or how?

What are Omitted Heirs and Spouses?
Sometimes omitting a child or spouse from estate plan can have dire consequences. Today we explore those pitfalls and how to prevent them!

Who to Choose to be Trustee of your Trust
Who should serve as successor trustee of your trust? Today’s blog topic explores what qualities you should look for in the person you choose as trustee.

Where to Store your Living Trust or Estate Plan
Where should you store your living trust or estate plan? Todays blog post we explore the best places to keep your estate plan and why.